I was delighted to see the expert version for biorhythms included the physical cycle. The assistance and patience of the Binary Mark staff in assisting me with installation and function of the Expert edition were greatly appreciated.

rated 5/5 

I was delighted to see the expert version for biorhythms included the physical cycle. The assistance and patience of the Binary Mark staff in assisting me with installation and function of the Expert edition were greatly appreciated.

rated 5/5 

The Binary Calculator has not been placed on my desktop. We have tight security on our computers . I have requested a cd or dvd to download from here.

rated 5/5 

I've used several bio rhythm kits and programs since the mid-80s and this is the only consistently accurate one I have experienced. When I have a student or patient experiencing some physical, emotional, etc. problem I Consult this app to see to what Degree their natural rhythms are contributing to it. This saves me a lot of time and effort trying to fix something that will resolve on its own or that will be easier to solve in a future part of the cycle. That puts their mind into a better healing state knowing that there could be some contribution other than pathology.

rated 5/5 

I've used several bio rhythm kits and programs since the mid-80s and this is the only consistently accurate one I have experienced. When I have a student or patient experiencing some physical, emotional, etc. problem I Consult this app to see to what Degree their natural rhythms are contributing to it. This saves me a lot of time and effort trying to fix something that will resolve on its own or that will be easier to solve in a future part of the cycle. That puts their mind into a better healing state knowing that there could be some contribution other than pathology.

rated 5/5 

Great software package. Could use a little bit more on the reports but as is it like tony the Tiger says - G R E A T..... Gene

rated 5/5 

I highly recommend this biorhythms calculator. It has proven it's weight in gold. Example, I could have saved myself hours of agony had I known how to utilize it better. I have since learned what a valuable tool it can be. Thank you for putting this out to the public.

rated 5/5 

I highly recommend this biorhythms calculator. It has proven it's weight in gold. Example, I could have saved myself hours of agony had I known how to utilize it better. I have since learned what a valuable tool it can be. Thank you for putting this out to the public.

rated 5/5 

I had a hard time down loading it and have not had time to look at it yet.

rated 5/5 

Oh, my Glorious Goodness! This is the absolute Ultimate in BIORhythm Software Programs! Customer Service is the Greatest anyone could pray to Injoy. Every issue is resolved in minutes, from an initial CC issue to actually getting it registered and ... Believe me when I say, when George says "I will get this matter Resolved" You may rest assured it will be Resolved A.S.A.P. to your satisfaction! Treat him with respect and you will receive Stellar AAA+ service in return! I will Never need buy another Bio-R package again! and rumour has it there will be an Android edition next Year ... I can wait, Thanks to George and the entire Company & Development Team!

rated 5/5 

Exactly what I was looking for! Best I have seen around. Expert edition makes all the difference.

rated 5/5 

Works great. My only complaint is that when purchased was offered 50% off additional purchases for a month and tried contact by phone and email to buy a 2nd Biorhythms Calculator for my laptop... but never got a response as to how to do this and get the 50% off. Guess it is your lost revenue. Have used this product thru many revisions; my last being 2009.

rated 5/5 

Life is in a fast pace right now, I like the peogram but I am mainly still learning the entire system. I'm happy with my purchase. Thanks a bunch!

rated 5/5 

I am quite happy about my purchase. The most interesting feature for me is comparison. Of course there are some places to work on. It is not so comfortable to use the list of the people. You should think about it and make it easier otherwise I have to scroll up and down through big celebrities group in order to find my person's profile. Maybe you should add +/- buttons for separate groups to hide them. Another question is about time location. If I have few people from different countries it will make calculations not exact. So you should consider to introduce new atlas with different time zone for cities. Moreover column for date input shows only USA format and I cannot change it. It is confusing. You should also add some new icons for profiles which I can quickly use. For example for ladies and gents, children, friends.However you have these minuses the program leave positive impression and I hope you will make some changes to improve it.

rated 4/5 

I love that you've integrated Biorhythms with astrology, numerology, and phases of the moon. Really interesting aspects!

rated 5/5 

This is a great programme! Thank you. And thank you too for the help you gave to me when I first received it. I am not very technically minded and you were a big help in sorting out my queries. Thank you!

rated 3/5 

Since the '70s I've been playing with biorhythms off and on. While there are now dozens of biorhythm calculators on line, I am at awe with BinaryMark – really speechless – at their creativity. They are so far ahead of their biorhythm software that it's like comparing today's car with the model-T Ford.

Whether you believe in biorhythms or not – and most do not – it's still fun to compare a player's biorhythm with their performance on the field. Of course, I have no idea who the players are, let alone whether they are performing better or worse than they usually do.

Still, I put the Norfolk Tides biorhythms on moore1789.com mainly just because I could and wanted to see how I would do it reader friendly (not that I have any readers). I made each player, coach, and their manager's biorhythm so it could be easily printed on letter-size paper should anyone, if anyone wants it, just for fun.

wmoore1789.comrated 5/5 

The BinaryMark biorhythms calculator far surpasses any other calculator I have used. I wish I had more time to look into its many features. But just on the face of it, it is a fabulously useful and user-friendly tool. What's more, the Customer Service is consistently outstanding. Thank you!

rated 5/5 

My name is Kenneth Newberg, Founder of Life Cycles Research & Development. I have been studying the effects of Biorhythms for the past 30 years. Of all the Biorhythm programs that I have used, Biorhythms Calculator by BinaryMark has been the most beneficial in my research. Thanks to Biorhythms Calculator I have developed a new way to display Biorhythms which I have named the BIOCLOCK. It is a daily display of your Biorhythms and is very revealing and easier to read than the conventional sinewave method. Sometime in the near future I will present the BIOCLOCK on my Web Site for free daily readings. Don't get me wrong, Biorhythms Calculator has a lot of features which the BIOCLOCK cannot replace. The BIOCLOCK should be looked at as an additional aide in reading Biorhythms. Along with the 7 basic Biorhythm Cycles you can easily see the 21 secondary Biorhythm Patterns which are not easily discerned by any other method. That being said, I cannot recommend Biorhythms Calculator too much. It's a great program and I still use it along with the BIOCLOCK.

– Life Cyclesrated 5/5 

Binary mark

I have used binary mark biorhythms for some years. i love the program. It is very comprehensive and a lot info.

rated 5/5 

Biorhythms Calculator - helping you better understand you own nature

The list of features offered by Biorhythms Calculator is impressive, so you should definitely try this unusual and potentially life-changing software in action. Don’t let pure luck guide you through your life — plan ahead wisely, be aware of your bad days and use your best ones to the max!

– 3D2F.COMrated 5/5 

I absolutely adore this program and am currently using it to study a couple hundred astronauts/cosmonauts, Indy 500 drivers, assassins, and a few athletes. I am amazed by the program's performance. Thank you for such a wonderful product! Keep up the good work of providing customers a good service and good software.

rated 5/5 

I really love the Biorhythms Calculator software and I dare to say it is one of the best, if not the best in the market. I can justify my claim as I do own and still using Natural Biorhythms (claim by many as the best biorhythms software) and honestly they are pale in comparison to BinaryMark Biorhythms Calculator! Pls keep up the good work of providing customers a good service and good software at a reasonable cost as presently the market are flooded with poor after sales services and selling inferior software at a reap off price.

– Biorhythms Researcherrated 5/5 

There is a plethora of free programs, shareware and some that are at the lower end of the cost spectrum but they don't do what this program does with the elegance, precision and comprehensive thoroughness of BinaryMark Biorhythms Calculator! For the professional, this is the only program to own...period.

rated 5/5 

I have been a biorhythm safety consultant since 1971, using many different types of software over the years. Your new biorhythm software is simply amazing. It is incredible to work with biorhythm software that was written by someone who actually understands the effects of biorhythms!

– Captain Biorhythmrated 5/5 

I love the Biorythyms Calculator and the customer service is THE VERY BEST there is!

When it comes to a quality product AND a company who stands by their products and really cares about its customers, you couldn't possibly find better than BinaryMark, they are 5 STARS hands down! I couldn't believe it until I went and ordered my own Biorythyms Calculator. The product is awesome, I love every feature about it. Their products, prices and promotions are excellent and the customer service is out of this world extraordinary! I was flabbergasted at how quickly they responded to my inquiries and even more blown away with their professionalism and service.....impeccable! My loyalty will remain with BinaryMark as long as I continue to get great products and superior service.

rated 5/5 

Unique tool for biorhythm analysis

I've been using Biorhythm Calculator for 4 years and am very satisfied with its capabilities. With its 15 biorhythm parameters it is excellent for individual and comparative analysis. Data from tables is easily transferred into other formats. I have used this software for analysis of biorhythm of soccer players - participants of World Cup in Brazil 2014 and Biorhythm Calculator worked flawlessly with large set of data. The minor issue that I noticed when working with the software is related to navigation through calendar - click on certain date in calendar does not show the same date on the listing of biorhythm parameters.

rated 4/5 


I found using the program was easy and was useful in general organisation of activities around the predicted phases of events. Co ordination of life choices was simple and obviously avoiding the negatives led to maximisation of well being.. Fascinating to apply it to friends and prominent people.

rated 5/5 

A wonderful product!

I am using Biorhythms Calculator since 2010 and I am very pleased with it. I love the interface, which makes it a breeze to set all the required parameters. The reports BC produces are lengthy and very thorough. It helps you to get a better insight to yourself. Support is quick and very professional. I would encourage anyone to, at least, have a try with the free version. No doubt, you'll want to upgrade very soon after. 5 Stars!

rated 5/5 


Very happy with this program...I rated it a 4 rather than a 5 because it is more complicated than my needs require

rated 4/5 

Biorhythms Calculator

A great app that I couldnt live without

rated 5/5 

All you need about Biorhythms!

If you want one program about biorhythms this is "the program"! It has everything you need and is very easy to handle. The only thing I could wish is that it will come in a Mac-version though I only have Mac computers today.

rated 5/5 

a good deal of usable information

I selected Binary Mark's product because they offered a level of detail unlike others I reviewed. Other than initial difficulties downloading, the program worked fine. For a personal user, I found the fee a bit steep. Maybe it's more suited to businesses or folks who provide biorhythms for clients.

rated 3/5 

Biorhythms Calculator

I have had this biorhythms calculator program for several years. Based on what I have going on in my life such as travel, speaking engagements, physical activities and many more, I always check my personal chart to see if it would be a good time to engage in any of those activities if I have that freedom. If not then I'm aware of where I need to be perhaps more cautious. I rely on it!

rated 5/5 

World Class Biorhythm Calculator

Provides every conceivable measurement one could need to accurately assess an individual’s biorhythm. Excellent, report generator that provides a narrative as well as charts that include striking and customizable graphics. There are other excellent biorhythm programs but none that I have used that provide this kind of support and utility. Whether you are doing these studies for yourself or for a client, Biorhythm Calculator 2015 Expert does for biorhythm software what desktop publishing did for document presentation. Fully customizable reports whether you require 3D/2D, linear, outline to spreadsheet format… it truly is a world class biorhythm system. If you advise for a living whether traditional astrology, tarot or provide intuitive readings, this is a program you should not be without.

rated 5/5 

Love the program

Love program, but unfortunately not the program more, miss it a lot. Have switch computer and searched it but unfortunately I have not found it again, so I'm glad to hear from you again.

rated 5/5 

Interesting Biorythym

I very much like having the biorythym, I very much believe in it. But I'm afraid I don't understand all of it.

rated 3/5 

Good Product

Long been into Biorhythms, due to health problems I only at present check it out when my health changes, as I want a true reaction if you like and not be influenced by looking first and seeing if my health changes. the long and short of it, my health goes up and down in line with my Biorhythms. It is fairly easy to use once you get the hang of it, I bought it mainly so I can print a calendar with my wife and my Biorhythms on it so we have a at a glance view day by day. Plus for us to note or changes in our health etc. Not yet printed it but will start trying it out now so we can have a calendar for 2016. So yes very please with the purchase.

rated 4/5 

Biorhythms calculator licenced

I have been a heavy user of this software for over three months and I must say that it is the best one on the market. Easy to use and very recommended . I endorse this product totally. Thanks

rated 4/5 

Truly Amazing Biorhythm Software

I have been a professional biorhythm researcher and consultant for over 40 years. The BinaryMark Biorhythm Software is the best ever produced. It is light years ahead of any software on the market or that I have used in the past. As a biorhythm consultant to professional sports teams like the San Diego Soccers and Chargers in the early 80s, I would have killed to have this software. I had to do everything by hand. It took forever. With the ability to identify general and daily compatibility of numerous athletes, it is a biorhythm consultant's dream come true. I use it to optimize the performance of sports and business teams. It also helps me get along with my wife and her family members who are almost my exact opposites biorhythmically. I give it my highest recommendation.

rated 5/5 

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