Get It FREE by Trying or Buying Something Else!
You can get a free, time-limited license of most of our products by trying or buying something you may already want from TrialPay - a trusted e-commerce payment system that works according to the "Get It Free" payment model.
Simply look for "Get it Free" button on the product home page, or "Get it Free with TrialPay" checkout option on the product order page.
Select from 100s of offers and Get your FREE PRODUCT!
- Order movies and games
- Send postcards & flowers
- Buy books
- Book tickets
- Shop for electronics
- Buy clothes and shoes
- Buy foods and drinks
- Buy music
Other Ways to Get Products For Free
There are several other ways how you can get products for free:
- Blog about us and our product(s) - write an informative blog article, highlighting one of our products, and post it in your blog or website with a link to that product's web page.
- Make a detailed review of our product - write and publish on your or other website a detailed product review with a link back to that product's home page.
- Promote our products on the Internet - submit at least 5 posts about our products on forums, blogs, other websites, with links pointing back to products' home pages.
- Translate our product to another language - translate whole or parts of a product into another language.
- Submit official testimonial - provide us with a written, audio, or video testimonial about one of our products that we can publish on our website.
- Refer 2 new customers to us - if you have colleagues, friends, or other people you know who may be interested in the products we offer, please refer them to us. If 2 of them buy any product from us, you will get a product for free! You will just need to tell us whom you referred.
- Like us on Facebook - and at least 5 our products on Facebook (click like button on the left on the product home pages). Then tell us which ones you liked.
- Join our Affiliate Program - Join our Affiliate Program and make 3 successful sales.
Getting Started
To get a product for free, please submit a short form letting us know which product you are interested in, and what you have done and/or will you do in return from the above list. We will then instruct you how to proceed further and get your free product!
Yet Other Ways
There are other ways you can get a product without paying anything for it.
- Frequently we bundle more than one products together, so when you order a product, usually you will get another, often complementary product free of charge, which makes for a great deal in the end!
- You may get product for free by completing an offer from TrialPay where you try or buy something you want, and as a gift receive our product free of charge. When such offers are available, you will see an invitation on the product home page.
Extra Discounts
You may also ask us for additional discount, if you feel that our pricing exceeds the maximum you are willing to pay. Simply explain your case, and we are likely to grant you an additional discount. We are more willing to give discounts if you partially complete one or few of the items from the above list (i.e. blog about our product, make forum posts, submit a testimonial or a suggestion, etc.).