Please use Contact Us Form at all times whenever you wish to contact us regarding a particular issue for the first time. If you e-mail us directly regarding a particular issue for the first time, we cannot guarantee a timely response!
We do offer phone support in certain cases, albeit at extra cost. However, the primary means of support is by e-mail, to which we usually reply within 8 hours for original messages, and within a few hours for subsequent messages.
If you are contacting us regarding a particular issue for the first time, please do not use e-mail, and use Contact Us Form instead; only this way can we ensure a timely response! We will then reply to your inquiry by e-mail, and from that point onwards all subsequent communications regarding the same issue will be carried out by e-mail. So, you must make sure you can accept e-mail from "@binarymark.com", otherwise we will not be able to reply!