How Database E-Mailer Works

Step 1

Specify Data Source

First, using the tools provided by the product, you select specific records that contain certain information about your clients (like name, e-mail address, etc.) from your existing database that you want to use to compose your personalized e-mails.

Step 1 - Specify Data Source
Step 2

Setup E-Mail Account & Write Your Message

Then you specify the e-mail account from which you wish to send the emails.

Once the email account is setup, compose the e-mail message you want to send using special placeholders in place of names and other dynamic data.

Step 2 - Write Your Message
Step 3

Send-out E-Mails

Finally the program will generate personalized e-mails replacing the placeholders in your message template with real data, and it will then send the generated e-mail messages using e-mail account and settings of your choice.

Top Features

Generate Personalized Messages Dynamically

As was already mentioned the program uses placeholders that you insert in your e-mail message template to personalize e-mails it generates. Basically, once it has retrieved the data from your database, it will generate an e-mail for every record (row in a table), using your e-mail template, where it will replace all placeholders it finds with the data from that data record. So, for example, if in your template you include text Dear %firstname%, where %firstname% is a placeholder, the program will replace it with the data taken from the column with the same name (in this case the column named firstname); and thus if the current record has Michael as the value for this column, the generated text will be Dear Michael.

Enrich Your Messages with HTML Markup

You can send both text-only and HTML-based messages with this program. Additionally you can specify message and subject encodings such as UTF or ASCII, etc., as well as e-mail priority. What’s more is that you can also specify different values for to, CC, and BCC fields!

Send Messages in 2 Different Ways

The program supports two different sending modes: continuous and time interval-based. In continuous mode, as soon as the program has finished sending one message, it will start sending the next one. In time interval-based mode, on the other hand, the program sends messages only once per specified amount of time – like sending e-mail message every 5 seconds. The latter option is handy if your SMTP e-mail server has restrictions on the number of e-mails you can send within a given time period.

Exclude Certain E-Mail Addresses - Temporarily or Permanently

The product also lets you to exclude certain e-mail addresses, so that e-mails will never be sent to them, even if they are present in the records retrieved by the program from your database. In fact you can specify permanently blocked e-mail addresses, as well as temporary. What’s more is that there is an option to prevent sending duplicate e-mails. This is useful if the same e-mail address appears more than once in the records retrieved by the program from your database.

Track your E-Mail Campaigns!

The program automatically stores information about your e-mail campaigns, such as: when you sent it, how many e-mails were sent, what you sent, etc.

Supports Access, SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite…

The product lets you retrieve desired data from a variety of sources. In fact it supports any ODBC-compliant data source, such as Microsoft Access database, SQL Server or Oracle databases, or any other. If in doubt as to whether you can import your data into the program, feel free to contact us. The data is imported into the program using two simple steps.

First, you setup the data source (define the file path to the database, if it’s file-based, provide needed login information, etc.) by composing what’s called a connection string (you can learn more about connection strings here). You can then save that information in an encrypted format for future use by the program.

Secondly, you simply write SQL SELECT statement that will retrieve the desired records from your database. It could be as simple as SELECT * FROM Customers, or much more complex – you can use whatever your data source supports. If you do not know how to write SQL statements, do not worry, they are easy to learn and will benefit you greatly. You can learn more about them here.

Include Attachments

The program also lets you to send attachments with your messages. This way you can send even more information to your prospective clients.

Save Time with Message Templates and Stored E-Mail Accounts

You only need to set up the program once. For instance, you can let the program store details of your e-mail account, data source, and data selection statement. You can also easily set up multiple e-mail accounts, data sources, and create as many data selection statements as you wish - the program will automatically remember all of that!

What's more is that you can save entire e-mail messages as templates for future use, thus saving you a good deal of time!

Avoid Duplicate E-Mails being Sent!

The program can automatically determine if it has already sent a message to a particular e-mail address within a single campaign, and if so, it will not send another copy (even though there may be a corresponding database record). But of course, you can turn off this option, if you desire!

Get Full Control with Various E-Mail and SMTP Options

You can use as many e-mail accounts as you want in this product. All e-mail accounts that you register with the program can be saved in an encrypted form for better security. For each e-mail account you can specify regular setting like server address, login, and password, as well as some additional ones: outgoing port, SSL support, reply-to e-mail address, and some others. Please note, that currently only SMTP e-mail accounts are supported.

Other Features

  • Import data from any ODBC-compliant data sources: MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, SQLite...
  • Save data sources, so you won't need to re-enter connection information again
  • Use SELECT SQL statements to retrieve data from databases
  • Save SELECT SQL statements for future use
  • Manually remove and modify retrieved records from the program by editing them in a data grid
  • Define default values for placeholders, in case record would be empty or NULL
  • Support for SMTP e-mail accounts
  • Set up and save e-mail accounts for future use
  • Sensitive data that you decide to save such as e-mail account and data source passwords can be encrypted
  • Support for message templates
  • Support for attachments
  • Support for various message encodings
  • TO, CC, and BCC e-mail fields
  • Preview e-mail messages before they are sent
  • Send e-mails continuously or every specified amount of time
  • Avoid duplicate e-mail being sent
  • History of e-mail campaigns
  • Much more!

Useful Resources

  • - Learn the basics of SQL SELECT statements that you can use in Database E-Mailer to achieve maximum results.
  • - Get connection strings for any database system to use with Database E-Mailer.

Get Database E-Mailer Now